
Hair loss has become a common problem which is affecting all adults esp after covid. to understand hair loss we should first understand hair cycle which will help manage hair loss better. The growth and shedding of hair may seem like a natural process, but the hair growth cycle is actually composed of four different phases.


The growth and shedding of hair may seem like a natural process, but the hair growth cycle is actually composed of four different phases.
  • Anagen
  • Catagen
  • Telogen
  • Anagen
  • The first three phases generally cover the growth,development and maturation of hair. During the final, or exogen, phase, “old” hair falls, and simultaneously, new hair gets ready to take its place.

    Each phase has its own timeline, growth and can be affected by many factors including age, nutrition, and overall health.


    The stages of hair growth starts with the anagen phase. It’s the longest phase of hair cycle, lasting about 3 to 5 years, though for some people a single hair could even continue to grow for 7 years or more

    During the anagen phase, your hair follicles are pushing out hair strands that will continue to grow either until they’re cut or until they reach the end of their lifespan and shed. At given point of time, about 90 percent of the hairs on your head are in the anagen phase.


    The catagen phase starts immediately when the anagen phase ends, and tends to last around 10 days . During this phase, hair follicles shrink and hair growth slows down. The hair also separates from the root of the hair follicle, and remains dormant in place.Only about 5 percent of the hairs are generally in the catagen phase at any given time.


    The telogen phase typically lasts for about 3 months.Generally 10 to 15 percent of scalp hairs are in this phase at any given point of time.

    Hairs remain dormant meaining they don’t grow , but they don’t fall out either. Interestingly telogen phase is also when new hairs start to form in follicles.

    Some health experts have divided this stage into two parts: the telogen and exogen stages for better understanding.


    The exogen phase is essentially an extension or a part of the telogen phase of hair cycle. During the exogen phase, hair is shed from the scalp, often during acts of washing or brushing. Losing 50 to 100 hairs per day during the exogen phase is normal in all healthy adults.

    During the exogen phase, which genrally is about 2 to 5 months, new hairs are growing in the follicles as old hairs fall away.

    A 2019 study in the journal Dermatology and Therapy also found that intake of the following nutrients in sufficient quantities was associated with healthy hair growth:

    • Vitamin D
    • Vitamin C
    • Iron
    • Zinc, folic acid, and vitamin B12 .


    1. Diet - a healthy diet containing plenty of vegetables and fresh fruits will boost the micro vitamins and thereby hair growth. A 2018 study has stated that mediterranean diet rich in raw vegetables and herbs can reduce risk of androgenic alopecia or slow down its onset.
    2. Protein - a 2017 Study which examined 100 people with hair loss, concluded that the commonn deficiency amongst all the participants were amino acids. These serve as building blocks for formation of proteins.

      hence a healthy diet rich in protein may help prevent hair loss.some of the healthy protein sources include:

      eggs, low fat dairy products, nuts and beans, chciken ,fish,turkey

    3. Sleep : irregular sleep over period of time alteres our hormonal balance . This can affect hair cycle at different stages and hence lead to hair fall. when a paerson goes to sleep, their epithelial hair follicle stem cells go to work. Conversely, lack of sleep deters the stem cells from seamlessly working, and hence can lead to slow growth
    4. Scalp massage :a 2016 study which followed 9 men concluded that a daily 4 minute scalp massage recorded hair growth over 6 months. daily scalp massage with coconut oil helps stretching the hair follocles.this stimulates better blood circulation and encouragfes hair growth.
    5. Avoid excessive shampooing and harsh brushing. This causes rough damage to the hair follicles and can lead to spilt ends and broken hair follicles.
    6. Essential oils : in a 2020 study which examined patients with cicatrical alopecia found some patients benefitted from essential oils.these were rosemary oil,lavender oil, peppermint oil, tea tree oil.
    7. Anti-oxidants: using scalp treatments which have anti oxidants like a shampoo or leave in scalp treatment can cause hair growth. the anti oxidant "piroctane olamine" especialy was found to improve scalp health and hair growth over 8 week period.
    8. Hair styling: Frequent hair treatments,dyes and excessive heat styling, wearing tight pony tails,buns or cornrowss can damage the hair. The American Academy of Dermatology Association (AAD) recommends that gently massaging the shampoo into the scalp but not into the hair helps reduce the damage to hair follicles. The Association also recommends using conditioner after every shampoo and shampooing three times a week
    9. Hair fall has multiple treatment options ,the effectiveness of each option varies from person to person and also on the cause of hair loss. Please consult a trained dermatologist or Plastic surgeon before decicing on any type of treatment.

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